POA Patient Spotlight – Hanna O’Brien

16-year-old Hanna O’Brien is a confident, caring and intensely spiritual young lady. People of all ages and backgrounds are drawn to her sweet nature and nurturing personality. Born with congenital limb difference, Hanna’s left leg extends just 3 inches below the knee-cap. Her right hand has only a thumb and her left hand has nubs […]

Bella says, “Look at me walking all by myself!”

Bella’s proud mom shot this video footage of her first “solo” steps on her prosthetic legs.  We are so proud of this strong and beautiful girl!  3-year-old Bella has come a long way since she was adopted and arrived in the U.S. last November and became part of a wonderful, loving family of six.  We […]

Leo Morales, Hip Disarticulate Amputee, #MovingForward!

Following message is from POA patient Leo Morales of Mexico.  We are blessed to be part of your team, Leo! “The Doctor’s said because of the cancer and because i am a Hip Disarticulated i will not even wear a prosthetic leg. Thanks to God, Stan Patterson, all the POACFL team, my loved wife , […]

Little Jack Adapting Well to his New Leg, 8/19/2013

We love sharing your videos! Here’s one of Jack towing his wagon 1 week after he received his new leg! ♥  Click here to view video–> Jack Towing his Wagon ‪#‎Awesome‬ ‪#‎MovingForward‬

Way To Go, Tim Houston!

After 4 years of trying (and trying again), Tim, a high level above knee amputee, learned how to ride a bike. Congratulations, buddy! Click here for video –> Tim riding his bike ‪#‎WayToGo‬ ‪#‎Determination‬

POA on Central Florida Spotlight

POA was featured on WFTV Channel 9 “Central Florida Spotlight” today! POA on Central Florida Spotlight . . . . #BostonStrong #POAOrlando #amputees #prosthetics

Fox News Orlando Interviews Blossom the Amputee Dog, 8/8/2013

Blossom the amputee dog interviewed by Fox News this morning! We’ll let you know when it is scheduled to air. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about Blossom’s journey, she has her own Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FootlooseBlossom #Prosthetic #DogAmputee #DogProsthetic