Trident Dive Trip Now Underway, 7/18/2013
POA is a proud sponsor of the Trident Dive Club. The 2013 Dive Trip is underway! Links to follow on social media, blogs, etc., on their website. Click here -> Trident Dive Club The Trident Dive Club provides wellness scuba diving opportunities to the surviving families of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special […]
POA’s Chris Gordon in Brawny Towels Commercial
Chris Gordon is shown playing basketball in a Brawny Towels commercial featuring Wounded Warriors. Very cool! Brawny Towels Commercial
Ireland Nugent today — Look at her Go!! 7/8/2013
Ireland Nugent stopped by this morning for a prosthetic check-up/tune-up….and a little climbing, boxing and skating, too! ♥ Ireland Nugent video
A Video Tour of Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates POA
Stan Patterson, certified american prosthetist and founder of POA, gives a guided tour of our Orlando facility where Your Success Is Our Passion. Video Tour of POA
“POA No Boundaries” – video featuring many of our Amputee Athletes
This video features many of our amaaaaazing amputee athletes – April Holmes, Scout Bassett, Amy Purdy, Evan Strong, Ronnie Dickson… (just to name a few 🙂 May you be inspired to pursue your own dreams, whatever they might be! POA No Boundaries
Ireland Nugent left POA with her finished prosthetic legs!
Ireland happily left POA this afternoon with her new prosthetic legs, “Princess Minnie” and “Dora.” <3 Ireland Nugent’s Big Day video, by POA
‘She’s my superhero’: Brave toddler who lost both legs after father ran over her in horrific lawnmower accident takes first steps on prosthetic limbs, The Daily Mail Online, 6/17/2013
Another great article from “across the pond,” where they were also cheering Ireland on as she took her first steps. This sweet and brave girl is winning the hearts and admiration of people all over the world! Read the Daily Mail (UK) article by clicking here
Tampa Bay News 10 feature, “Ireland Nugent takes her first steps,” 6/17/2013
In this news report POA’s Rick Shultz, who like Ireland also lost a leg in a lawnmower accident when he was two years old, is also featured. Rick has no doubt that Ireland has a full, active, and amazing life ahead–just like he has. 🙂 Tampa Bay News 10 broadcast featuring Ireland and Rick
Tampa Bay Times article, “Nothing will Hold her Back,” 6/17/2013
Tampa Bay Times article on Ireland Nugent’s big day! Her laminated prostheses will be fabricated tomorrow–one with Dora the Explorer and Boots and the other will have a pretty pink Minnie Mouse design. (why make a choice when you can have BOTH!:)♥ Tampa Bay Times article
Ireland Nugent takes her first steps on her prosthetic legs at POA! Our photos and WESH News Video/Article, 6/17/2013
There was not a dry eye in the house as Ireland took her first steps on her new prosthetic legs. The first thing she asked Stan was, “I’m going to take my legs home?” ♥ How could he say no? Ireland left wearing the check sockets which were generously decorated with Dora the Explorer stickers […]