Marko Cheseto, bilateral amputee: Future Marathon Man?

Marko Cheseto, a paralympic athlete, recently moved from Alaska to train with us in Orlando. He is thinking of training for a marathon in the near future. Why not? #noboundaries #dreamitdoit
Breakfast with Congressman Brian Mast at POA

We are proud to host a fundraising breakfast for Congressman Brian Mast on Friday, July 27th from 8-10am at our Orlando office. Donations are appreciated, but not required. Brian is a long-time patient and friend, and we are proud of his service to our country. RSVP info and details are specified in the following invite. […]
Small World: Two POA kids meet at Knoxville Airport

When two of our POA kids run into each other at Knoxville airport and discover they go to the same prosthetic facility – small world! ?#priceless #amputee #friends
From Paralyzed to Running! New Leg Braces Change POA Client’s Life

From paralyzed to running! We were blessed to witness this amazing transformation as Mike fit Jasmine with the new leg braces that would change her life.
POA’s New Prosthetic Socket Design for Hip Disarticulate & Hemi Pelvectomy Amputees

We’re excited to share with you a new hip disarticulate socket system we are testing! The silicone liner is incorporated into the socket, next to the skin, eliminating the need for silicone shorts. Leo (hip disarculate) and Angelina (hemi pelvectomy) say they feel very secure and comfortable in the socket, and can put it on […]
Bilateral Amputee Runs with Husband for First Time Since Losing Her Legs

Kelie ran with her husband for the first time since she lost her legs, taking back another ability! Sharing moments like this never gets old! #blessings #takingbackabilities #recovery #movingforward #prosthetic #leg #running #poa #noboundaries
Celeste Corcoran: Endolite Orion Knee + TaiLor Made Foot = Winning Combo!

The combination of an Endolite USA Orion MP knee and TaiLor Made Prosthetics feet enables Celeste to walk with a smooth, stable and comfortable gait – even while wearing boots! #prosthetic #legs #feet #Endolite #Orion #tailormade #foot #amputeefashion
Jaelyn’s 1st Prosthetic Leg – She’s On Her Way!

Jaelyn’s prosthetic journey has begun, and it was so awesome that she had the encouragement and support of the new friends/peers she met at POA throughout the week! Born with a rare bone disorder, Jaelyn has spent most of her life undergoing procedures to improve the function of her leg, including limbing lengthening. With a […]
POA client Katie, AK amputee, modeling for Matilda Jane Clothing

Check out Katie on the Matilda Jane website, looking fabulous and modeling some cute clothes! Matilda Jane Clothing Website Link
Radley Gillis’ Takes First Steps on Prosthetic Legs

Radley “Rad” Gillis and his friends/family had been praying about this moment ever since his near-fatal motorcycle accident six months ago. As he stood for the first time, Stan told him to take it easy and not be discouraged if he could only take a few steps. His family, standing close by, said “if anyone […]