Anthony Burruto breaks records in USA Powerlifting Competition!

POA patient Amazzzzzing Anthony Burruto, a bilateral AK/BK amputee, competed against able-bodied athletes in the USAPL (USAPOWERLIFTING) competition. He entered into the Varsity & the Junior 16&17’s divisions. Not only did Anthony perform well, he broke both records, set new ones, and was awarded two Gold medals and a trophy!! Needless to say, there is […]

Staff Sgt. John W. Walding Awarded Silver Star, “Army Times” article, 12/15/2008

POA Patient Staff Sergeant John W. Walding was awarded the U.S. Military’s third-highest combat award, the Silver Star. To read more about Sgt. Walding and his heroic actions during a raid in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, click on the following link. Click on the following link to view the Army Times article