Wounded Warrior Max Gauthier, above knee amputee, Running Again!

Meet Max Gauthier and his identical twin brother, Jake. Both men were serving our country in Afghanistan when Max was injured. Steve Chamberland of 50 Legs.org & The 50 Legs Show brought Max to POA after being approached by his uncle at church.   Check out this great video of Max running with Jake for the […]

Leo Morales, Hip Disarticulate Amputee, #MovingForward!

Following message is from POA patient Leo Morales of Mexico.  We are blessed to be part of your team, Leo! “The Doctor’s said because of the cancer and because i am a Hip Disarticulated i will not even wear a prosthetic leg. Thanks to God, Stan Patterson, all the POACFL team, my loved wife , […]