New Product! Otto Bock Triton Harmony® (Vacuum) Prosthetic Foot

We have successfully fit several BK patients at POA with this new technology, including Jean Law, a bi-lateral amputee. The main features of the foot are the lightweight integrated vacuum pump and shock absorbing/rotation functionality. Says, Jean, “It feels very light, comfortable and natural; not stiff at the ankle like other prosthetic feet….and I don’t […]

Heat + Humidity = “Summer Sweat Syndrome!” — Here’s Some Relief for Amputees

Even the best fitting prosthetic limb can become uncomfortable when you are in a hot and humid environment for an extended length of time. I recently discovered that some prescription strength antiperspirant products had become available over-the-counter, so I gave them a try. Certain Dri antiperspirant (roll-on version), and Secret Clincal Strength antipersirant/deodorant are the […]

POA Patient Ken Green returns to Professional Golf

Ken Green returned to professional golf today for the first time since the accident that took his leg. The following article gives background information on Ken, his accident and his journey back to professional golf. click here for New York Times article

From Wheelchairs to Prosthetics

The following article was printed in the Baseball Assistance Team (B.A.T.) Winter 2010 Newsletter. The primary objective of the Baseball Assistance Team is to aid those members of the “baseball family” most in need. B.A.T. strives to provide a means of support to people who are unable to help themselves. Through charitable contributions from corporations, […]