The Power of having a Positive Self-Perception, 4/25/2012
Oftentimes, when you have a disability others will put limitations on you, telling you, even in a nice way, what you can’t do. My response to that has always been, “You can’t tell me that. “ And then I’m determined to prove them wrong.”I’ll show you!” It’s actually been very motivational for me, and at […]
We’re Moving!
POA is pleased to announce that we will soon be moving from our current location to a new 22,000 sq. ft. facility! The new office is just next door, so no need to reset your GPS! Some remodeling of the new space is under way and we will be moved in by March 1st! We […]
New Product! Otto Bock Triton Harmony® (Vacuum) Prosthetic Foot
We have successfully fit several BK patients at POA with this new technology, including Jean Law, a bi-lateral amputee. The main features of the foot are the lightweight integrated vacuum pump and shock absorbing/rotation functionality. Says, Jean, “It feels very light, comfortable and natural; not stiff at the ankle like other prosthetic feet….and I don’t […]
Heat + Humidity = “Summer Sweat Syndrome!” — Here’s Some Relief for Amputees
Even the best fitting prosthetic limb can become uncomfortable when you are in a hot and humid environment for an extended length of time. I recently discovered that some prescription strength antiperspirant products had become available over-the-counter, so I gave them a try. Certain Dri antiperspirant (roll-on version), and Secret Clincal Strength antipersirant/deodorant are the […]
Editorial: Experiences with Negative-Pressure Socket Design by Stan Patterson, CP
A Practitioner’s Perspective It is easy to understand how utilizing elevated negative-pressure technology in transfemoral (TF) socket designs can provide numerous benefits to patients. This trend should carry forward into the future as this technique continues to gain momentum as a viable fitting solution. Due to the absence of bony prominences as compared to transtibial […]